The Named Frithguardians!

  • Henry Ashworth
  • Hitman 1422
  • HogShowman
  • Homer Simpson
  • Hoozthair
  • Ilidn 2
  • Imallearsru
  • Inge Petersson
  • Invent Gaming
  • Isak Erlaskog
  • Itznogood
  • Ivellios
  • Jack Playz
  • James Billy
  • James Boon
  • James Brownlie
  • James Collins
  • James Newton
  • Jamie
  • Jamie O’Connell
  • Janac
  • Jared Nolen
  • Jarres Plummer
  • Jasi246
  • Jason Anthony
  • Jason Entwistle
  • Jbird1788
  • JC Gaming
  • Jeff Bezos
  • Jempee
  • Jen
  • Jeremy Flener
  • Jeremy Hall
  • Jet Coder
  • JimmyJay
  • John Harnett
  • John Hudnell
  • Jona Baltes
  • Jordan
  • Joshua Doll
  • Kahn Wolfe
  • Kainda
  • Kalen Peters
  • Karl Boyer
  • Kato Bakke
  • Ken Miller
  • Kofbaron
  • Kyle Nissen
  • León
  • Lil Hungarian
  • Lilleskutt
  • Logic Gaming
  • LossingP
  • Maco D
  • MadAlexGaming34
  • Mafia X Phantom
  • Marcus Crawford
  • Martin Elbæk
  • MasseyMan
  • Matheus Silva
  • Matt Seders
  • Mcleod295
  • McStallion YT
  • Meredith Wyatt
  • Michael B
  • Michael Burke
  • Michael M
  • Michael Maines
  • Michael Smith
  • Mindblowerdk
  • Miss Pelt
  • MissMuckyPup
  • MolineSloth 01
  • Mortensen
  • MrLubbaLubba
  • Mychter
  • Myopic Illumination
  • Mystery Island Music
  • Nameless AOI
  • Newp9
  • Nigel Pipe
  • NonCuttingEdge Gaming
  • Northernfarmer0450
  • OHE84
  • Oklahoma Farming
  • Old FinnishFarmer
  • Ole G
  • Olisim
  • On TheRoad
  • Owen Wessel
  • 1977Rugrat
  • ADK Gamer
  • Adrian Materny
  • Aeri
  • Aiden
  • Al3xand3r L3wis
  • Alex
  • Alex Trucking And Farming
  • Allen Hickman
  • Alluvian
  • Amanda James
  • Anders
  • Anders Runesson
  • Andigandi
  • Andrei Deiu
  • Arexander
  • Argamis SilverComet
  • Austin Kamps
  • Axl
  • Bad Pilot
  • Batstar5
  • Battlefleet Cadia
  • Blackwolf36
  • Bogdan Andrei
  • Bowin
  • Bradley Tiplady
  • Brandon V
  • Brempel
  • Brent Appollis
  • Brett Nelson
  • Buggy285
  • Cake 7176
  • Canadian_Tunic
  • Chalice
  • Charles
  • Charlie Tucker
  • Chloe Kryask
  • Cino
  • Cmpteki
  • Connor
  • Connor Hindle
  • Dan IEL
  • Daniel Wells
  • Dante
  • Das_Gustel
  • Dave Davidson
  • David Caulfield
  • Deuce MS
  • Devansh Mahajan
  • Devver 2018
  • Dimsam
  • Dirk Manderin
  • Dodecahedron
  • Dogroket
  • Douglas Campbell
  • Duckzorly
  • DudeGuyMan131
  • Dustin Eisenschenk
  • Dyrek James
  • E&U Gaming
  • EarthSpace
  • Edward Jasper
  • Eisman333
  • Elliot Agriwill
  • Emil Wackerhagen
  • Eoin Prendergas
  • Eric King
  • Evo8
  • ExFarmer89
  • FluX
  • Fritz X Machina
  • GamerPete76
  • Genin99
  • Gerbil Williams
  • Glen Perkins
  • GlenFiddich
  • Golden Eagle
  • Golem98
  • GolemEnder
  • Gooseman X
  • Gorilla Wizard Gaming
  • Grant Murfin
  • GrizzlyBearSims
  • Haddi San
  • hAiRy HiPpY 24
  • Hans
  • Hans Stagge
  • Heigur
  • Henrik Fahlén
  • PapaBigTruck
  • Papapow
  • Patrick
  • Patrio Graysmark
  • Paul Carr
  • Paul Shaw
  • Paulius
  • Peter Heap
  • Peter Knĕž
  • Phil Bannister
  • P-o Johansson
  • Randall White
  • Redneck Nation
  • Realhugh 18184
  • Richard Bong
  • Rider
  • Riley
  • Robert Gerk
  • Ronan Clancy
  • Rose Lou
  • Rustynail67962
  • Ryan G
  • Ryan King
  • Rytis Cepulis
  • Sadtomato
  • SammyK
  • Pixie Witch
  • Perry Cardwell Jr
  • Schmuel The Gamer
  • Scott
  • Scott M
  • Scott The Aussie
  • Shuffle
  • Sichi
  • Silent Xssassin
  • Silver_Fennekin
  • Silverfinch
  • Silverwolf187
  • Smockfarmer
  • Smudolini
  • Snek&Kaktus
  • Snow Fox
  • Soren Mercer
  • Sour Biscuit
  • Stalin
  • StanTheMan
  • Starscream
  • Surgensendensenstut
  • T H
  • TalleyRand
  • Tech_Lime
  • That Wolf
  • Thaul
  • The FeedGuy29
  • The Maltese Panda
  • TheBigBang_Sniper
  • TheCoffeeCup
  • TheGoodGamer
  • TheSwifty
  • Theyshisizj
  • Thomas Pickar
  • Tim Tim
  • Tim02fordyce Hutchinson
  • Tiny BigMan
  • Tkfootballstar 60
  • Töimies
  • Tom The Yank
  • Tonza
  • Tonzatube
  • Toxic Bravo
  • Travis Dudley
  • TrekkerGek
  • TrueGodHoward
  • Twincam Gaming
  • Tycjan Miroslaw
  • Tyree
  • UnkieRich
  • Uppsalahazze Markstedt
  • Varinki
  • Vincent__CC
  • W1ll8150
  • Wayne Welly
  • William Miller
  • Winde Walker
  • WiscoPat
  • Yelibam
  • Yorkshire Dano
  • Your Canadian Brother
  • Zach Mazure
  • Zauta777
  • Zypherical

The Great Book of Names

To become one of the Frith Guardians, and have your name listed in the Great Book of Names you must complete one of two things.  First you can head over to Patreon and support the channel financially, this can also be done during any livestream with a paid superchat.  Or, you can become an active member of our YouTube community with helpful comments, either on YouTube itself or in our Discord Server (details of which can be found in the description of any recent video). 

Once you've earned your place in the ranks of the Frith Guardians, you're there to stay!  Unless of course you wish to be removed, in which case, just ask :)

The names are all listed below in alphabetical order, I will try to keep it updated.